
Why do you benefit from Bodywave FSM?
Brainwave, eveneens via Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) focust op het psycho-emotionele evenwicht.
Enkele van de toepassingsgebieden zijn :
• psycho-emotionele trauma's
• emotionele schommelingen
• Slaapproblemen
• chronische stress
• depressie
• vermoeidheid
• angst
• concentratieproblemen
• burn-out
• balancing the brain
What is Bodywave (FSM) exactly?
Bodywave (FSM) therapy works with very low electrical micro-current that is sent through the body. This micro-current is compatible with the body’s own ‘current’ or cell energy and is transmitted through electrical pads or warm-wet towels.
There are different types protocols depending on the objective of the treatment, which are programmed to provide relaxation to specific conditions.
The duration of a session depends on the origin of the disbalance and the objective of the treatment.
How does a Bodywave (FSM) session work?
Depending on the specific condition(s) :
• The duration of one session may vary from 60 min to 90 min.
• We recommend between 3 and 8 sessions for the best possible results
• One or more protocols can be performed simultaneously